Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Today I did not wanta

Today I did not wanta, I did not wanta get up but I did.

I did not wanta workout but I did.
I normally work out in the afternoons but today since I did not wanta I decided to go early and get it over with and I did. I had a great workout.

When I got home I did not wanta get my miles in but I did.
I went to the park and got my miles in and it was such a beautiful day .,In the 60's and sun shining  I did extra .

When I got home I did not want to go anywhere else until I had to leave for work but I did.
My granddaughters messaged me and asked me to take them for a walk so I did. We walked to the park and had a great time playing and just plain having fun

Today I got a great workout in, my miles plus some extra  and spent the afternoon walking and playing at the park with my granddaughters. Not to bad considering I did not wanta.

Today I did not wanta but I DID. :)


  1. I love those days... those - Get off your butt and do what you're supposed to despite whether or not you feel like it - days. :)

    I'm glad you did...

  2. That's what counts!!
    I have an inner fight with myself often- I usually end up doing the right thing.... usually

  3. Glad you got your workout in. Great job.
