Sunday, March 4, 2012

In like a lion out like a lamb

There is a saying about the month of March ;; if it comes in like a lion it goes out like a lamb.

Here in Northwestern PA.  the weather tends to be intense this time of year. In the past 5 days we have had Thunderstorms ,Rain,Snow ,Intense winds,Ice ect. .
 That is normal for this time of year. Thankfully we are a safe and sound in our warm homes.

Other parts of the country are not so lucky.
 My heart aches for those who have lost friends and family with the recent storms . 

Today I woke up feeling grateful .
 Grateful that my family and friends are safe. Grateful that I have a roof over my head and a nice warm bed to wake up in.

Everyone stay safe and warm .


  1. Yes, my heart aches for those losing everything in the storms too.
    Do you live in the Erie area?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi there, I just saw you were following me and decided to stop by and say hello! I look forward to getting to know you!
