Todays weight 179.0
I am down 77 pounds from my top weight top of 256. I am grinning : ) .
My (former) dietitian and (former) trainer both suggested that I go no lower than 167. I am 5'6" and very muscular ( for a girl :) ) My personal goal is 155 -159. But truthfully that is my vanity talking because that is what I weighted in high school ,, a million years ago ,lol
My trainer and dietitian are both "former " because I can not afford them . . It was money well spent but not an expense I can afford on a regular basis.
Former dietitian was the one who suggested the exchanges plan. The exchanges are the same that a diabetic would use. Different than weight watchers and different than counting every calorie. I feel more in control when using the exchanges,, not sure why but it is what it is :)
Food exchanges for the day
Bread 6 , goal is 6
veggies 2 goal is 2 ( cups)
fruit 4, goal is 3
diary 3 goal is 3
protein 6 ,goal is 6
fat 4 , goal is 4
water intake
32 X 2 ( I have a 32 oz water jug I keep refilling ) came up short on water intake and over a bit on fruit but I am good with todays totals
Exercise for today
yoga and some lite walking outside
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