Daily accountability
4/23,, diet 4.8 out of 5,, exercise circuit training, treadmill and walking ,, steps 13459,, H2O 64 ozs
On Monday I ate something that did not agree with me. Celiacs strikes again :( I have not had this strong of a reaction in almost 8 weeks.
Tuesday 4/24 ,I was down sick in bed most of the day and night.
My diet was nonexistent , exercise none, lots of liquid but I did not count .
Wednesday 4/25
Diet , I am eating better today but still totally off plan,, exercise none,, liquids ok but still not counting.
The pain is almost tolerable and should pass by tomorrow.
I am taking a rest week from weight training , I am hoping to have my strength back(from my reaction ) by tomorrow but I think I will wait until Friday before I try to get some miles on the treadmill .
There are days when I live well with my disease .Then there are days like Tuesday and today where I feel like the disease is winning. I feel like I am losing my ability to function again . Years of not being able to function are not that far in the past . I still remember them well. I refuse to go back there again.
Tomorrow WILL be a better day.
Sorry you're not feeling well. Hope you're up and back to normal living again soon.